Need extra cash, and you are thinking of taking a loan? We are here to show you how you can apply for a loan the right way. Many people take loans because they need to pay for something and do not have enough saved to afford it. Personal Loans help everyday people deal with unexpected expenses such as medical bills insurance will not cover, expected expenses such as weddings, and much more. This post will teach you all you need to know about applying for a loan.
Before you apply for any loan, there are some things you need to consider. Personal loans use your credit as opposed to using assets such as your home or car. Getting a personal loan might not be ideal. If you if, you need a huge sum of money, and you should consider other financing options.
Before Applying for a loan.
1. Income vs. Expense: Before taking a loan, you should consider how much you may need to sort out the expense. The loans are paid back monthly so you should make a budget on how much you spend regularly and budget the remaining to pay back the loan. It is never really a good idea to borrow up to your maximum limit because you may end up spreading taking more than you can chew. If you borrow less than you need, you will have to figure out how to make up the remaining. However, taking more than you need leaves you paying off the interest on a large amount than required. Think clearly and budget yourself appropriately.
2. Finding the perfect loan for you: Choosing the ideal loan may be difficult, but we will try to break them down to make it easier.
- A very common type of personal loan is the unsecured personal loan. When using this loan, you are not required to use collateral, and it is based solely on your credit rating.
- When taking a personal loan like the Secured personal loan collateral is required.
- If you have a lot of debts and you need a loan to pay them off consider the Debt consolidation loan it will help you pay off loans at a better rate.
- If you need a loan to pay off medical bills, the Medical loan is the best loan for you.
3. Where to get a loan: Banks and credit unions are great if you are not in a rush. They sometimes take a long time to process requests. Although if you have an account with them, they can give you better rates than online lenders. When taking loans from the banks be prepared to produce more documentation and stress. The applications are usually very complex.
4. Take a moment and review your credit score: Why does the credit score matter? It matters because it ascertains how much you are qualified to borrow. To get an unsecured loan, most lenders require you to have one to two years of good credit rating. If your rating is bad. There is also a good loan for people with bad ratings.
5. Requirements for loan approval: Why waste time and effort applying for a loan that will not get approved? Before you apply for a loan check to see if you meet all the necessary requirements. Here is a list of requirements for most lenders.
- You must be over 18 years old.
- You must have a savings account or a checking bank account that is active.
- You must be either a US citizen or a permanent resident.
- You must have income coming in regularly.
- Your credit rating should be above 640.
- Your annual income must be over $25,000 a year.
- You should have at least three years of credit history.
6. Compare rates: When you want to get a loan it is always best to look at different loan providers. This gives you a chance to compare loans (Types of loans you are eligible for), compare the rates (Interest rates), Compare time for payback (Amount of time you have to pay back the loan) and compare the speed (How quickly you get the money). When you compare information from different lenders you will be able to make an informed decision on which lender has the best loan for you.
7. Arrange your documents: After checking out loans you are eligible for and comparing the rates and other relevant information. It is time to gather your documents and arrange them. You should have a list of the required documents. This is a list of documents required by most lenders.
- A form of identification: Do you have a passport or driving license? If you do that is the perfect way to prove your identity.
- Proof of regular income: If you want to get a loan you have to prove you have a means of paying the loan back. You can prove that by showing you have a job or means of regular income.
- Bank statements: This shows the lenders you have an active savings or checkings bank account.
- In order for the lender to check your credit score, they need your social security number.
- A means to talk to your employer: Some lenders require contact information of previous and present employers.
How to apply for your loan
- First Step: Go to the loan website and find the application form. Ensure you have scanned copies of necessary documents to upload.
- Second Step: Fill the application form with the necessary personal information and financial information.
- Third Step: Let them know how much you intend to borrow and how long it will take you to pay them back.
- Fourth Step: Upload the necessary documents and submit. Most online lenders take 1-2 days to process a loan. While banks may take a little longer.
- Fifth Step: Get approved and get paid.